Insurance Claims

Insurance Claims For Financed Vehicles

Auto Insurance Blog Published on 01 Jun 2021
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How Long Should the Claims Process Take?

    Claims is the process insurance companies use to help the customer to recover damages, under the policy limits during the period of the insurance policy, to vehicles and/or suffered by people involved in the accident. The claim processing after an accident can be a hassle. It is certain that anyone would prefer to have the least trouble possible to fix the problem as soon as possible. Sometimes for unforeseen reasons this process could seem like forever. Commonly the process for claims will depend on a few factors:


1. The rating of the insurance company.

     AM Best Rating is the company that determines the rating of an insurance company. That means “How deep is the insurance pocket”. If an insurance company does not have enough financial reserves to pay for its claims, the AM Best Rating of that company will drop according to their reserved ability. Usually, a good value to consider is from A++ as being the best and C not so good.


 2. The knowledge and experience of the adjustor assigned to oversee the accident information.

    The adjustor is the person appointed by the insurance company in charge of the process to verify if the matter is worthy of funding by the insurance company. The adjustor must be licensed by the State in which the adjustor is doing business and trained by the company who hired to assist with the claim. Sometimes adjustors can get a little overwhelmed with a load of claims and delay the process. In some states adjustors must respond within 10 days from the initial claim of the customer. The process of underwriting will start after the adjuster makes a submission to the Claims company.


3. The speed of the adjusting company for underwriting.

    Underwriting is the process that a person indicated by the claim company, will be in charge of the claim using information provided by the adjustor, police reports and other reporting companies about the integrity of the information provided. These underwriters are the decision makers licensed in the state in which they work, and hired by the insurance companies to investigate the validity of the claim.


4. Claim acceptance or denial.

    After analyzing the facts, the claims company in charge will be able to make the final decision. The results of their decision can be to the benefit of the customer or against the customer according to the findings of the underwriting, based on the information provided of the accident along with the factual reports received from other authorities.

    After all work performed by these entities and its professionals the results can be within the expected amount of time. If there is any inconsistencies the adjuster or the underwriting team could request more information or documents delaying the final process of the claim. Insurance companies rated less than A- with AM Best could take from 3 to 6 months and if in litigation could take up to 1 year to respond. Even if a Claims company denies the claim the customer could still call for a mediation and give continuity to review the decision with a mediator. strives to work with reputable insurance companies that will give our customers peace of mind and rating that will please our customers. Our agents could give more information in this process as you are purchasing a policy. Information here is our quality of business.


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